Country patents and classification

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Country patents and classification

Post by dvlajcic » Wed Jul 01, 2020 12:31 pm

Dear EPO team and others,
I am doing my research on innovation activities in Singapore. I am using patent as a proxy for innovation activity. This way I would like to ask for help in forming a query for data extraction from PATSTAT (I am using a PATSTAT Online 2020 version).
I am searching for all application filed in Singapore (both national faze and PCT) by people/entities (companies, institutes, universities, etc) who are based in Singapore. Observed time frame is from 1990 – 2020. Additionally, I need IPC class for each of that application. I am aware of potential redundancy, given that each patent is assign more than one class. Furthermore, in recently found literature I encountered models which use only first assign IPC class, describing it as the most important, however, researches were based on USPTO data base. Is this practice valid under EPO methodology, is first IPC class in patent application also the most important? If yes, I could adjust my model and mitigate the redundancy problem.
This way I would like to ask EPO team but also other experienced researchers in this field for help framing abovementioned in query.

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