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Data format for priority numbers of Italian documents

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:15 am
by cg51413
The UIBM has introduced a new online numbering system.
Under the new system, a national patent has a number in the format XXYYYYZZZZZZZZZ, where XX identifies the type of IP concerned, YYYY the year of filing and ZZZZZZZZZ a nine-digit sequential number (e.g. 102014000000158).
Users requesting a novelty search for a national patent they intend to file at the European Patent Office must continue to quote the application number in the "old" format, i.e. MI2014A000158.The old application number is easy to find through the national database on the UIBM website using the code search (ricerca per codice).
If you cannot find the old number use the following workaround:
• Write “Remarks” in the field foreseen for the number of the priority document
• Write the new priority number in the Remarks-field under “Application”