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EP10012K - priority details

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:04 pm
by eightethel
We can't get the priority details to go in for a US priority number on this version of the form. The old version had more options, allowing four different types of priority document to be used.
The new version wants us to start our priority document number with "60" or a date; ours starts with a "61".

"61" is not allowable, so we've had to make use of EPC2000 by not including priority info in our filing. Is this a bug, or something we're doing wrong?

Re: EP10012K - priority details

Posted: Tue May 06, 2008 4:36 pm
by IanL
A bug! We have the same problem - we simply put in an annotation to the EPO of the priority claim - apparently epoline have suggested doing this for other bugs that prevented filing in one way or another
