How can I download a document with more than 500 pages?

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EPO / Innovation Networks
Posts: 758
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 3:36 pm

How can I download a document with more than 500 pages?

Post by EPO / Innovation Networks » Wed Oct 02, 2019 2:22 pm

:?: I need to download a document that contains over 500 pages but "Document too large" appears
and I have to save the document one page at a time. Is there any way to get the whole document at once?

:!: Not via Espacenet, but alternatively all EP and Euro-PCT documents (published applications and granted patents) - regardless of the size of the documents - can also be downloaded via the European Publication Server.
For PCT applications, please consult WIPO.

:arrow: Further infos can also be found in the related Help files as well as in the dedicated forum.
Kind regards,

The Innovation Networks Team

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