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Large file sizes of the original documents

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:57 am
by t.uijttewaal
Hi all,

I've noticed that the file sizes of the downloaded original documents are quite large.
I've encountered sizes up to 29mb for a 43 page pdf file. This might be specific for Dutch patent publications (e.g. NL2021233B1). It seems EP publication file sizes are significantly smaller. It makes sharing (Dutch) publications via email a bit more difficult.

Interested to hear your thoughts on this matter.



Re: Large file sizes of the original documents

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 11:27 am
by Patent Information Marketing
Hi Twan,

Thank you for your comments. We are investigating why some of the pdf files are very big in size and will come back to you as soon as we will have received an answer.

Re: Large file sizes of the original documents

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:43 pm
by Patent Information Marketing
Hi Twan,

Coming back to you. The process used in new Espacenet to generate pdfs is different than in classic Espacenet. I won't go into technical details, but it indeed generates pdfs with much bigger size for some authorities. The technical team told me that they are working on the issue. I cannot say when or if they will succeed, but they are making their best to find a solution that could easily generate pdfs in new Espacenet with at least the same or a similar size as the pdfs generated in classic Espacenet.