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Missing person address in Patstat online?

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by pstek
Dear Sir, Madam,

Thanks very much for making PATSTAT available online and giving a free 2 month trail. Its a great way to get to know the database.

Only one thing: I've noticed that the person_address column in the tls206_person table is blank for inventors in the online version.

Is this a bug or an intentional limitation imposed on free trail accounts? I was planning to use the personal addresses for a study on regional concentrations of innovation...

Thanks in advance for clarifying.

With kind regards,

Pieter Stek
Doctoral student
Delft University of Technology

Re: Missing person address in Patstat online?

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2015 3:28 pm
by mkracker
Inventor address data is not available in PATSTAT Online.

To facilitate the analysis on a micro-regional level despite missing addresses, we are currently investigating the possibilities of extending PATSTAT data with NUTS3/TL3 and other related information.

In the meantime, you could have a look at the freely available REGPAT database from the OECD which can be easily combined with PATSTAT data. You can get more information about REGPAT at or

Best regards,

Re: Missing person address in Patstat online?

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:00 am
by pstek
Dear Martin,

Many thanks for your kind reply and suggestions.

Since you mentioned that you are looking into adding NUTS3/TL3 related information, may I suggest that you add coordinates? That offers even more flexibility for geographic analysis.

With kind regards,
