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Over 140.000.000 patent documents in GPI

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 9:22 am
by EPO / EPAL Team
10.000.000: this is the amount of new patent documents added in the last 12 months in the EPO’s worldwide bibliographic data collection (see this post dated May 19, 2021)

For the regular monitoring of, e.g. technical areas or applicants, would you use the date documents are added in GPI for the first time (criterion DFE "date of first exchange") or the date documents are published (criterion PUD "publication date")?

Let's compare search results based on queries using DFE and PUD, e.g. for monitoring Y02A40 "Technologies for adaptation to climate change in agriculture, forestry, livestock or agro-alimentary production" in Q1 2022:

DFE [202201,202203] and CPC = Y02A40: returns around 9.000 families
PUD [202201,202203] and CPC = Y02A40: returns around 6.000 families

The reasons why DFE returns more documents than PUD and why DFE should be preferred to PUD for regular monitoring are explained in this Patent Knowledge News.

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