Quota and throttling

This space is made available to users of Open Patent Services (OPS) web-service and now also to users of EPO’s bulk data subscription products such as 14. EPO worldwide bibliographic database (DOCDB), 14.11 EPO worldwide legal status database (INPADOC), 14.12 EP full text data, 14.1 EP bibliographic data (EBD)and more.

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Quota and throttling

Post by anddah » Tue May 17, 2016 3:11 pm

So I've tried to find an answer in the documentation but still have a few questions.

I found that if you use more then one IP you can download with more then 1Mbit/s and i guess that this means that X-IndividualQuotaPerHour-Used is per IP-number. So to the question is this quota shared between registered users and anonymous users on the same IP?

The big question is if there are any quotas or throttling control that is shared if they use the same IP. We don't want the apps data usage to affect our employees daily usage of the web site.

EPO / OPS Support
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Re: Quota and throttling

Post by EPO / OPS Support » Wed May 18, 2016 9:59 am


First of all, anonymous use is not meant for any proper use of our web services, it should only be used for testing or minor manual searching (some users do manual queries to services, but even that usually only in testing phase or for services only available in OPS) . Please note that we will eventually switch off anonymous access completely and all user will have to use OPS registered accounts (non paying or paying). This will probably happen with introduction of the new 3.2 version and after test period is done we will switch off 3.1 and with it also anonymous access. We will inform all users well in advance when this will actually happen so don't worry about missing anything as far as this goes.

Registered user are completely separated from anonymous users so using same IP should not be a problem. Anonymous use is extremely limited even now, so please be so kind and only use it as it was always intended.

I hope this helps,


OPS support

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