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search applicants' country of origin.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 6:27 pm
by mhollifi
I am working for the paper for immigration into the US. Is it possible to find the patent applicants'/inventors' who are living in the US with country of origin?
I don't need to know if they are the US citizen or not. That's not important.
Thank you for your help.

Re: search applicants' country of origin.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 2:06 pm
by EPO / PATSTAT Support
Hello mhollifi,
Good idea but no; that information is not available in PATSTAT.
The "country" information is in most cases the "place of business".
I think it will be rather difficult to get those variables in a reliable common date set, unless you could match inventor data to US immigration/person/etnic data (via address data matching ?).
Maybe via AI social network matching...
I am not aware that this has ever been done.

On a small scale, limited data set, it could probably be done with lot's of manual research work....
Maybe some companies are prepared to share their employee data.... if you anonymise the data...