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search of status of an EP application

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2019 12:34 pm
by paula.gallego
Hello everybody,

My patent agency will soon take over several EP cases from another firm and, in order to make a complete list and not miss any pending case, we would like to check how many EP pending cases this firm has nowadays.

Is it possible to search by "status" of a EP application? How is it done?


Is it possible to retrieve a list of cases of an attorney and see the status info to be downloaded in excel?

Thanks for your help in advance,

Re: search of status of an EP application

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 5:50 pm
by EPO / PATSTAT Support
Hello Paula,
Yes, that is possible.
Maybe the easiest would be to simply extract all applications & data that have been dealt with by the patent representative and then do further work offline.
A couple of things one has to keep in mind: representative names are not harmonised, so a search on a name will mostly need to be done via some wild cards (%) which might also introduce noise. Some applications have a "sequence" of professional representatives. The most recent one (after a sequence of changes) is flagged in REG107_PARTIES as "IS_LATEST".
Below is an example query: it will retrieve all applications from the EP register where the latest representative contains the string "Paula". You can adapt this query to your needs. You can simply paste/copy this query in PATSTAT Online, run it, and then extract the result table, or you can extract a sample data base that contains all the data available in the Register as well as PATSTAT Global. This all depends a bit on what you need.

Code: Select all

      , appln_id 
      , appln_auth 
      , appln_nr 
      , appln_filing_date 
      , filing_lg 
      , status_text
      , internat_appln_id 
      , internat_appln_nr 
      , is_latest 
      , type 
      , customer_id 
      , name 
      , country 
  FROM  reg101_appln 
  join reg107_parties on =
  join reg403_appln_status on reg403_appln_status.status = reg101_appln.status
  where name like '%paula%'
  and type = 'R'
  and is_latest = 'Y'