searching for patent with PRIOR_APPLN_ID

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searching for patent with PRIOR_APPLN_ID

Post by ccjenny26 » Wed Jul 15, 2020 4:10 pm

I have extracted a table from EspaceNet and one of the columns is priority.number. These numbers are in format such as:AR2016P103987 20161222 ( code of country+doc number+date)
However when I tried to do SQL search on Patstat I couldn't find any table with such kind of id. I looked up in the document DataCatalog and find the most relevant table should be "tls204_appln_prior". But the attribute "prior_appln_id" in this table is not of the format above. It's something like regular integer like 17, 58, etc.
In the document DataCatalog I find this description of PRIOR_APPLN_ID:

Source field name
<priority-claim sequence="1" data-format="docdb">
<country>DE</country> <doc-number>10331291</doc-number> <kind>A</kind> <date>20030710</date>
</document-id> <priority-active-indicator>Y</priority-active-indicator>

According to this description, I should be able to identify the patents by the priority.number that I have. But I just couldn't find them by doing queries with these numbers on Patstat.

I would like to know if I'm using the right table, the right attribute. If not, what mistake did I make and what the solution would be.


Patent Information Marketing
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Re: searching for patent with PRIOR_APPLN_ID

Post by Patent Information Marketing » Fri Jul 31, 2020 11:51 am

Dear user,

Each priority will be in PATSTAT again a new application in table 201 (even if it were not published) and you can use this table to retrieve more information.

I understand that you use for your extraction classic Espacenet, which is based on the EPODOC number, which has a different format than the DOCDB number normally used in PATSTAT.
You will find the priorities numbers in EPODOC format in table 201 in the following attribute: tls201_appln.appln_nr_epodoc.

Since we store the date in PATSTAT in a different field it would make sense to remove from the data retrieved from classic Espacenet (e.g. AR2016P103987 20161222) all characters after (and including) the blank before the matching.

The following might be helpfull: SELECT LEFT(string_expression, CHARINDEX(expression_to_find, string_expression) - 1)

Please be aware that in new Espacenet we use the DOCDB number format. However the priority numbers are not included in the result list download (only the earliest priority date).

I hope you find this helpful.

Without using Espacenet you would normally use tls204 to retrieve the priority information and join the prior_appln_id from tls204_appln_prior back with the appln_id from (a copy of) tls201_appln to retrieve more information on the priority applications as described above.
Kind regards

Patent Information Marketing

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