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Show all applicants

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2020 5:48 pm
by bc1155
I'm looking to identify all applicants for a given search term, but the filter seems to only return applicants with more-than 1 filing. Is there a workaround for this?

Re: Show all applicants

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2020 9:56 am
by Patent Information Marketing
Dear Espacenet user,

Espacenet only displays the top 20 applicants in the filter today.
Provided that the number of results is not too high, there is a workaround to see all applicants, but it is a bit time-consuming. This consists in "excluding" the top 20 as many times as necessary (i.e. select all displayed applicants and click on "exclude" as needed).
It could be envisaged to display more applicants in the future if it does not impact the efficiency of the system.