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Use of headers for search range not giving consistent result

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:35 am
by bruceap
I initially used "&Range=" at the end the search URL to be able to go through search results 100 at a time (&Range=1-100; &Range=101-200; etc.). But since your documentation says that such usage is useful only for testing, I tried setting the header X-OPS-Range in my search requests instead. While it seemed to work initially, I have recently seen inconsistent results. What I mean is that OPS is not always returning results based upon the X-OPS-Range that I have specified in the headers. I confirmed with a 3rd party site that the application that I am developing is accurately sending the correct header, so it is OPS that is ignoring my range setting. I have gone back to using the &Range method. So two questions:

1) is there a known problem with setting the range using HTTP headers?

2) why is the &Range method only considered useful for testing? Can I use that method going forward if the headers method continues to be a problem?

Thanks for any help that you can provide.

Bruce Pokras
Blazing Dawn Software

Re: Use of headers for search range not giving consistent re

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:33 pm
by EPO / OPS Support
Dear Bruce,

Answer to question 1)
We think you are in a network infrastructure preventing either custom http headers or caching response. You can verify it by comparing header value with response range. (see attached picture).

Answer to question 2)
In some browsers GET requests have limitations on the url length and because the search string might be significantly long we don't add the unnecessary parameters.

Kind regards,
OPS Support